Proteomics is the large scale study of the protein complement of a living organism. The Australasian Proteomics Society (APS) aims to promote and facilitate proteomics research and related topics in the Australia and New Zealand. The APS membership is drawn from academic, industry and government laboratories. To assist in the dissemination of knowledge in the field, the APS has been organising an annual meeting in Lorne, Victoria, since 1996. In addition to the Lorne meeting, the APS together with other learned societies co-organises local, national and international meetings within the region, as well as workshops and other forums for the exchange of proteomics advances and techniques. The APS acts a liaison body for communication with state and federal government as well as a central point for the coordination of proteome-related programmes and resources.
Student engagement with the society is strongly encouraged through travelling fellowships, reduced registration rates and SoAPS - Students of Australasian Proteomics Society, a student body which aims to increase communication, broaden the knowledge base and foster collaboration between the student members.
APS has successfully run the Lorne Proteomics Symposium for over 25 years and below is a photo from one of our earlier meetings. In 2020 we celebrated our 25 years of conferencing with a stellar program and second highest delegate attendance in history.
Detlav Suckau presenting at one of our first meetings in Lorne
Michelle Hill, Rob Moritz, Stuart Cordwell and Richard Simpson presenting at the 25th Proteomics Conference Dinner
Organise and manage conferences concerning advances in Proteomics
Promote proteomics research in Australia and New Zealand
Act as a liason body for government exchange
Facilitate interactions with other local, national and international proteome research bodies
Promote the national/international exchange of knowledge and research techniques via training fellowships, instructional courses and workshops, including organization and funding for international conferences
Collect and distribute information on proteome-related programs, projects and technologies as an Australasian resource
Promote open access to major resources for proteome analysis
SoAPS (Students of Australasian Proteomics Society) is a student society dedicated to proteomic and protein science students which aims to increase communication, broaden the knowledge base and promote and foster collaborations between students. All Student registrants at the Proteomics meeting automatically are considered members of SoAPS.
In this way, we intend to offer regular student mixers at Australian conferences, a webpage for student interactions and collaborations, along with opportunities for further education through forums and seminars and also scholarships to attend national and international conferences.
Check out the events page or email the contact us for further details closer to the event and we hope to see you there showing your support for SoAPS.
Also to keep in touch, we have established a group on Facebook, where relevant information and photos from SoAPS events will be posted. If you have a Facebook account, search for “SoAPS” as a Common Interest – Science group.